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Prajeme vám DIKOnalú chuť 🍦

S tradíciou od 1950..

Náš príbeh

Je sladká, osviežujúca, farebná a má nekonečné množstvo príchutí! No má aj vzácny príbeh. Jeho prvé slová boli napísané už v roku 1950, kedy sa Jozef Diko rozhodol, že bude vyrábať a predávať zmrzlinu v Námestove. Staršie generácie dodnes spomínajú na slávnu kávovú zmrzlinu, ktorá bola v tom čase priam exotická. Jozef Diko svoje zmrzlinárske dedičstvo dnes pomyselne odovzdáva svojim pravnukom. Priamo pod sochou Ježiša v Kline si aj vy teraz vychutnáte znamenitú krémovú chuť zmrzliny, ktorá nadväzuje na zmrzlinársku tradíciu Dikovcov spred 70 rokov a prináša aj nové fantastické príchute. Prajeme vám DIKOnalú chuť. 🍦 😋

Delicious Cakes

Best Cakes

Sweet Cakes


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamc.

It's a piece of cake.
jessica Stone
Artbees CEO
It's a piece of cake.
jessica Stone
Artbees CEO
Lovely Customers


I love Soul Desire. Nani is such a talented pastry chef, she amazes me every time. She has done all of my kids birthday cakes and they have all turned out so perfect. From the decadence of the taste to the intricacy of the design.
jessica Stone
Artbees CEO
I love Soul Desire. Nani is such a talented pastry chef, she amazes me every time. She has done all of my kids birthday cakes and they have all turned out so perfect. From the decadence of the taste to the intricacy of the design.
Emily Rock
I love Soul Desire. Nani is such a talented pastry chef, she amazes me every time. She has done all of my kids birthday cakes and they have all turned out so perfect. From the decadence of the taste to the intricacy of the design.
Emily Rock

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